Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit - District 12

Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit
District 12


There is no Substitute for an Occasional Teacher

A Role Model for Students

In your position as an Occasional Teacher, your appearance and demeanour should present a
positive role model to students. You are responsible for the safety and education of the students in your care. Upon arrival to a school, it is important that you ask for and familiarize yourself with:

  • the School’s Code of Conduct
  • the School’s Emergency Procedures (fire drills, evacuation, lock down emergency number)
  • Safety Plans / Procedures
  • School Intercom System and/or Internal Phone System

You are to assume the duties of the teacher you are replacing.
These include but are not limited to:

  • Arriving at the school no later than the time specified on the job.
  • Reporting to the main office upon arrival at the school.
  • Accessing your classroom and supplies in a timely fashion.
  • Checking in the main office or in the classroom for keys, lesson plans, attendance procedures, office referral forms, student safety plans, identified emergency procedure processes, lockdown procedures and student health issues.

If these are not provided, ask & also request classroom keys.

Providing appropriate work when no lesson plans have been left. Seek advice from the main office if you have questions or concerns.
Maintaining the security of the classroom by locking unattended classrooms.
Providing supervision for the students in your care at all times. DO NOT LEAVE STUDENTS UNATTENDED ANYWHERE.
Taking attendance of students in accordance with the school’s
established procedures.
Following the lesson plans provided by the teacher.
Reporting student behaviour issues or incidents of concern to the main office.
Remaining in the school for the entire instructional day.
Leaving a note for the regular classroom teacher that summarizes the work you were able to cover with students and reports any concerns with respect to student behaviour, etc.
Before leaving school, return keys to the main office.
Reporting student or staff accidents/injuries and/or violent incidents to the main office immediately and ensuring that any necessary reports are completed.

Classroom Management Stategies

Occasional Teachers are expected to manage a classroom in accordance with the duties of a
Teacher as outlined in the Education Act and Regulations, and Toronto District School Board
Policies and Procedures.
Good Classroom Management Includes:
  • Greeting students as they enter the classroom.
  • Placing yourself where you can see and be seen until the class has settled down (the first few minutes of an assignment are crucial in setting the tone for the day).
  • Using the attendance procedure to establish a rapport with the class.
  • Using appropriate proximity and eye contact strategies.
  • Presenting a positive attitude including respect for students.
  • Delegating simple tasks to students.
  • Getting students’ attention quickly, and then waiting for them to listen actively to you before giving instructions.
  • Limit movement of students, as appropriate, to complete the assignment while they are working - this is where the re-teaching occurs for students who need more help.
  • Approaching students and situations in a problem-solving manner and positive tone of voice to avoid escalating a confrontational situation.
  • Ensuring students are kept busy with constructive work related to their studies.
  • Involving students in the lesson by encouraging active participation.
  • Calling the school administration (Principal or Vice-Principal) before a difficult situation escalates into a crisis.
  • Calling the office if referring a student to the office for discipline, describing the problem and advising the office that a student is on the way. Inquire about any school and/or Board forms required in such situations

Survival Guides and Resources for OTs


Classtime is a mobile app for occasional teachers to keep track of their work schedule.

Classtime easily allows you to enter the date and school of each of your assignments. For each teaching assignment you enter, there is a box that can be checked-off to track whether or not you've been paid for that assignment.

Classtime is an app tailored towards helping you keep track of your work schedule. It will even store the names of the schools you work at and the teachers you replace each day, so you can easily find them when making a new entry.

The free app is available for Android and iOS devices through Google Play and the Apple App Store.


Work Log is a mobile app for re-employed pensioners to keep track of their re-employment days.

Simply record the days you work right in the app. It will automatically keep track of your days and indicate when you are getting close to the 50-day re-employment limit.
Why it will help

Under current re-employment rules, the onus is on you (the pensioner) to keep track of the number of days you work, which can be up to 50 days per school year. If you exceed the 50-day limit and continue to work in education the following month, you're required to call us so that we can suspend your pension until you're finished working. Worklog will help you keep track of the days you work to avoid pension suspension. In fact, the calendar within the app is colour coded green means you can keep working, yellow means you are getting close to your re-employment limit, and red reminds you to stop working to avoid pension suspension.

The free app is available for Android and iOS devices through Google Play and the Apple App Store.

The Three Rs of Membership in OSSTF

Rules of membership

Under the OSSTF/FEESO Constitution, there are different categories of members.

Active members are the bulk of our membership. They are members who are currently employed by school boards or other agencies and who pay active member fees to OSSTF/FEESO

Newly organized members are active members who don’t pay OSSTF/FEESO dues. They start paying dues when their first collective agreement is ratified.

Casual or limited term members retain membership for a designated period of time after the last day worked as per Bylaw 2.3.”

Active Retired Members (ARM) are retired OSSTF/FEESO members who pay a fee of $50 for limited services.

R Rights

OSSTF/FEESO members have all of the democratic and human rights of Canadian citizens and union members. Some key professional rights featured in the OSSTF/FEESO constitution include:

the right to participate in the union, attend meetings, vote, stand for office, etc.;

the right to exercise professional judgment;

the right to fair and equitable treatment from employers;

the right to fair evaluation;

the right to fair representation by the union.

R Responsibilities

OSSTF/FEESO members must:

comply with the constitution, bylaws and policies of OSSTF/FEESO. These may be found in the OSSTF/FEESO Handbook and Policies and Procedures Manual, both of which may be found here.

uphold the OSSTF/FEESO pledge and statement of ethics

act in accordance with the Principles of Professional Conduct

support their negotiators and participate in all strike activities voted on by the majority of members

on making an adverse report on another member, give that member a copy within three days. This does not apply when reporting suspected child abuse under the Child and Family Services Act

Office e-mail address: otbu.office@d12.osstf.ca
Office telephone number: 416 423-3600
95 Thorncliffe Park Dr #1708, Toronto
Toronto Division
Ontario M4H 1L7, Canada
Copyright OTBUD
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